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Chapter 7:

Żur, A. (2014). Corporate Entrepreneurship as an Facilitating Factor in the Rapid Internationalization of Firms. The Case of Nowy Styl Group In: Knezevic, B. & Wach, K. (eds), International Business from the Central European Perspective. Zagreb: University of Zagreb Publishing Service.

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Objective: The driving goal of the research is to portray the impact of corporate entrepreneurship on the process of firm internationalization. Based on literature analysis and corporate data, the paper explores the avenues of influence corporate entrepreneurship practices have on the extent, scope and pace of internationalization processes.
Research Design & Methods: Case study. Based on the data (both qualitative and quantitative) from a leading European furniture manufacturer the paper analyzes the dynamics of internationalization processes through a CE lens.
Findings: Research results indicate that high entrepreneurial intensity of both employees and corporate strategy impact internationalization processes.
Contribution & Added Value: Results encourage strong CE orientation on both management and employee level for firms attempting to enter foreign markets. Study also confirms earlier suggestions made by scholars, that entry speed can play a fundamental role in the pace of  future international expansion. Future recommendations include testing of of CE-firm internationalization relationship moderators. The major contribution of this study lies in extending the existing body of CE research and providing a new perspective in terms of its role in facilitating internationalization processes. This entrepreneurial lens proposes a more dynamic, non-linear approach to internationalization, quite contrary to traditional gradual and sequential approaches represented by  stage theories.


corporate entrepreneurship, internationalization of firms


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Czech Republic




Dr hab. Krzysztof Wach
Cracow University of Economics

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